Vivant Holistic Skill Development Centre

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About PoSH Training

About the Training-

The POSH Act has been enacted with the objective of preventing and protecting women against workplace sexual harassment and to ensure effective redressal of complaints of sexual harassment.

POSH Act mandates employers to take positive steps for grafting zero tolerance towards sexual harassment and any failure is penalized with fine and may also lead to cancellation of business licenses. The Law provides that every employer having 10 or more employees must constitute an Internal Committee within the organization to handle complaints of sexual harassment. The Law is applicable to all kinds of business organizations. Further, every employer is required to file an ‘Annual Return’ before the 15th day of January each year. This return essentially calls for certain statistical data of the organization from the previous year and is required to be submitted to the office of the District Officer of the respective district where each establishment is located.

 Title Name of Training: 

Prevention and Redressal of Sexual Harassment at work place: Work from Home – A new Dimension

Contents Of The Training:-

New Highlights:-

Ø  Gender Sensitivity-  With changing scenario

Ø  Work from Home scenario

Ø  Same gender complains

Ø  Latest Case Laws emerging in this era

Ø  PoSH Quiz


  1. Socio – legal aspects of Sexual Harassment and Key Responsibilities of.

A)    Employer

B)    Employee

C)    Internal Committee

  1. Conciliation Process
  2. Interim Measures
  3. Anti-Sexual Harassment Policy
  4. Frivolous Complaints / false allegations.
  5. Other laws pertaining to workplace sexual harassment.