Vivant Holistic Skill Development Centre

Welcome to Vivant Holistic Skill Development Centre

Training on PoSH
The POSH Act has been enacted with the objective of preventing and protecting women against workplace sexual harassment and to ensure effective redressal of complaints of sexual harassment. POSH Act mandates employers to take positive steps for grafting zero tolerance towards sexual harassment and any failure is penalized with fine and may also lead to cancellation of business licenses.

The Law provides that every employer having 10 or more employees must constitute an Internal Committee within the organization to handle complaints of sexual harassment. The Law is applicable to all kinds of business organizations. Further, every employer is required to file an ‘Annual Return’ before the 15th day of January each year, which is mandatory.

Training on Emotional Intelligence
80 percent of the success now depends upon Emotional Intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the capacity to understand and manage your emotions. The skills involved in emotional intelligence are self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills. •

With globalization, emotional intelligence is more significant than ever when teams are cross-cultural and global, increasing the Complexity of interactions of emotions and how they are expressed. Essentially, emotional intelligence in the workplaces comes down to understanding, expressing and managing, good relationships and solving problems under pressure.

Contents of the Training:-

• What is emotional Intelligence?
• Emotions play important role in your life
• How to manage emotions for self development?
• Enhance corporate relation with Emotional Intelligence
• Relation ship Management
• Self Motivation

Training on Mediation

Current trends and importance of Mediation, ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution):-

  • India has recently become a signatory to the United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements (UNISA) resulting from mediation held at Singapore on 7th August, 2019
  • With Several cases pending in court, ADR is not only desirable and optional but has become an inevitable.
  • The new Consumer Protection Act, 2019 escalates the importance of mediation in consumer matter, which has been inserted under the Chapter V to encourage the parties to undergo mediation.
  • Supreme Court justice Mr.Sharad Bobade has proposed to establish mediation bar in all courts with a view to promote its usage.
  • Court procedure is expensive, time consuming and at time stressful, so the Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution is a need of an hour.
  • It ensures the career growth for lawyers and better options.
  • With all these benefits Vivant Holistic Skill Development Centre proposes to your college for setting up Mediation Centre attached to it.

    • Mainly two activities will run under this mediation centre:
    1. Providing assistant and consultation to outsiders and solve the dispute through mediation process.
    2. Training to be imparted to the law students regarding Tools and Techniques of Mediation certificate course (IAO) (internationally accredited) by Vivant Holistic Skill Development Centre in association with college. 20% training amount would go to the college.

Body Language

Course Content: –

  1. Bucket full of manuals, E-Certificate
  2. Real world simulations
  3. Activity based hands on training.

Who can attend?

  • Enterpreneurs
  • Professionals
  • Advocates
  • Mediators
  • Arbitrator
  • Students attending interview
  • Housewives